Elbow Pain

Elbow injuries are very common in sporting and non-sporting populations alike and may affect most people at some point in their lives. Usually, elbow pain is not serious, however does require correct diagnosis and management. The elbow joint is a stable hinge joint, following an injury the elbow is more prone to stiffness than instability.

The most likely cause of elbow pain may be related to the forearm tendons either on the outside or inside of the elbow. These injuries are commonly called tennis elbow and golfers elbow respectively, depending on the location, and they are linked to excessive or repetitive use of the forearm and wrist muscles.



Both conditions have similar management including the early-stage management such as ice, compression, elevation, and protection. Usually, activity modification is recommended to help settle down the aggravated tendons. Conservative management is always preferred and shows good long-term outcomes. This consists of rehabilitation focused on strengthening the forearm and wrist muscles along with gradual return to activity. Soft tissue treatment and mobilisations may help to reduce elbow pain and elbow stiffness if present.


Additional Information

Although elbow pain may not always be highly severe, it can take several weeks or months to recover if not managed correctly. At Preston Sports Clinic, we are experienced in diagnosing and treating elbow pain, and we are happy to help you understand the healing and rehabilitation process that will guide you back to your regular activities.


If you have an elbow injury or pain in this area, book your initial assessment today here or call us on 01772 321835