Back pain

Evidence suggests that back pain affects nearly 60-80% (Casiano, 2019) of people through their lifetime with 11-33% of the population suffering from lower back pain every year (Balagué et al., 2012). There are many factors that contribute to back pain, however early diagnosis may help with the outlook.

Back pain presentation may vary – it can be a dull ache or a strong pain, it can be located on one side, both sides or central, and sometimes there might be a muscle spasm present.


The usual management includes a combination of different treatments whilst also encouraging regular physical activity. To relieve the acute pain or stiffness, soft tissue massage or manual mobilisations may be utilised, however thinking about the long-term prognosis, prescribed exercise program focused on back strength and mobility is a necessity.


Additional Information

Due to the significance of pain, people often become afraid of movement as quite frequently they think they might be doing damage to the back. The latest evidence suggests the opposite and is supportive of active lifestyle and education around the pain management. At Preston Sports Clinic, our experienced sports therapists deal with back pain daily, and we are happy to help you understand the process and give you a holistic and tailored rehabilitation program to improve your quality of life.


If you are suffering with back pain, book your initial assessment today here or call us on 01772 321835