Ankle Injuries

Ankle injuries occur commonly in sport, whether contact or non-contact, or even in your day-to-day life. The typical complaints range from an acute ankle sprain to more complex ankle impingements or long-term instabilities.

The most prevalent ankle injury is an ankle sprain. Usually, this may result after a misstep during running or sprinting, or after landing awkwardly from a jump with the foot turned inwards. Initial presentation includes symptoms such as pain, swelling, inability to put the weight through the ankle or significant loss of function.


The typical early management following an ankle sprain includes protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation in the first 48-72 hours. As soon as you are able to move the ankle joint, it is important to regain full range of motion, strength and muscle control as part of your rehabilitation to prevent potential muscle loss and joint stiffness.

Further Information

Early management, diagnosis and treatment of ankle sprains can prevent future reoccurrence and minimise the risk of developing a chronic ankle instability. Our experienced sports therapists will assess your ankle, help you understand the process and give you a personal rehabilitation program to help with the recovery from an ankle injury.

Book Now

If you have an ankle injury or pain, book your initial assessment today here or call us on 01772 321835