ACL Rehabilitation

An ACL strain or an ACL rupture is a common injury in sport. The ACL rehabilitation following a knee surgery plays a vital role in your return to sport or to the activities of daily living. The ACL rehabilitation process may vary in length depending on your goals, but this is typically anywhere from 6 to 12+ months.

ACL Rehabilitation
Our sports therapists will support you and work with you to achieve your goals following an ACL injury. The main focus following the surgery will be to manage the pain, reduce the swelling and regain the range of motion in your knee. Alongside this, you will work on the lower limb strength and balance through a variety of exercises. Before returning to the sport fully and once ready, you will be introduced back into activities such as running, jumping & hopping, change of direction and sprinting.

Additional Information
It is essential to emphasize the importance of a quality rehabilitation process following an ACL injury. This will help you to return to physically demanding activities and will reduce the risk of the future reoccurring ACL injuries. Our experienced sports therapists will assess your knee, help you understand the process and give you a personal rehabilitation program to help with the recovery from an ACL injury.


If you would like assistance with your ACL rehabilitation, book for your initial assessment today here or call us on 01772 321835